The B-tracks are short-term projects ( usually 1 year or less), which are linked to the actual policy implementation. They offer the flexibility to set up research concerning policy questions that were unknown at the time of approval of the research program.
The Steering Committee approved the following B-projects:
• B1: extension of the FANTASI model to allow for long term projections
• B2: fiscal incentives to stimulate family integrated care for the elderly
• B3: expansion of the scope of FANTASI resulting from the linking of the IPCAL data to the EU-SILC. This allows a more detailed modelling of the tax reductions in the personal income tax.
Publications B1
Working papers
> DECOSTER, A., DE SWERDT, K., B1: Fiscal expenditures and
progressivity in the Belgian personal income tax, KULeuven, 2013, 36 pp. (.pdf)
> DECOSTER, A., DE SWERDT, K., B1: Budgettaire projecties van een
regionalisering van de Woonbonus, KULeuven, 2014, 29 pp. (.pdf)