Policy Research Centre Fiscal Policy
At the start in 2012 the Policy Research Centre Fiscal Policy (PRCFP) consisted of researchers from 3 institutes for higher education (KULeuven, Ghent University and University College Ghent) and one partner institute (VITO). On 1/10/2013 the partners of the University College Ghent integrated in the University Ghent, faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Since then the PRCFP is coordinated by the UGent instead of the HoGent.
The PRCFP is funded by the Government of Flanders within the framework of the ‘Policy Research Centres 2012-2015’ program. The tasks of the Research Centre are defined in a management agreement and a multi-year plan.
The main focus of the policy research center for fiscal policy (PRCFP) is on fiscal federalism, micro simulation tools, forecasting en budget models. The fundamental research is grouped thematically in 4 research tracks:
A1: fiscal federalism in the Belgian context
A2: regional taxes as a policy instrument
A3: modelling tax impact
A4:budget models
Next to the fundamental research the PRCFP also provides short-term projects (B-projects). These short-term projects ( usually 1 year or less)are linked to the actual policy implementation and offer the flexibility to set up research concerning policy questions that were unknown at the time of approval of the research program. The Steering Committee decided to approve the following 3 B-projects:
B1: extension of the FANTASI model to allow for long term projections
B2: fiscal incentives to stimulate family integrated care for the elderly
B3: expansion of the scope of FANTASI resulting from the linking of the IPCAL data to the EU-SILC.
B4: dynamisation of FANTASI
The Consortium also fixes a yearly budget to cope with ad hoc requests of the government.