Structure & members
General coordinator ↓
Council of promotors↓
Project promotors↓
Administration of the PRCFP↓
Management agreement↓
General coordinator
Prof. dr. Carine Smolders (UGent - Department HABE) was appointed as general coordinator. She publicly represents the Policy Research Center Fiscal Policy and is chairperson for the Council of promotors (the so called 'Dagelijks bestuur"). She is responsible for the internal communication, draws up the year plan and budget and reports about the Policy Research Centers activities and expensens. She prepares the meetings of the Steering Committee and makes suggestions for the allocation of possible surpluses for the Council of promotors and Steering Committee. She coordinates ad hoc assignments and valorisations of the PRCFP. She is assisted by the PRCFP's administration who maintains the website.
Council of promotors
The PRCFP central management body is the Council of promoters (the so called "Dagelijks Bestuur"). This council meets every 3 months to discuss the research progress and broad valorisation events and prepares the meetings with the Steering Committee. It bears the final responsibility for the strategy, organization and outcomes of the PRCFP and monitors the global quality of the research. It decides how the research programme will be reorganised in case the Centre is confronted with considerable research management problems.
From 2014 onwards, the council of promoters will only gather the colleagues connected to the active tracks.
Composition (2014)
coordinator (chairperson):
- Prof. dr. C. Smolders
the following representatives of the diverse institutions:
University Ghent, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration:
- Prof. dr. S. Goeminne
- Prof. dr. B. De Groote
- dr. I. Mayeres
K.U.Leuven, Faculty ETEW:
- Prof. dr. A. Decoster
- Prof. dr. S. Proost
University of Antwerp, Faculty of Law:
- Prof. dr. B. Peeters
Track coordinator
For each research track (A1, A2, A3, A4) a senior member of the Consortium is monitoring the different research projects within his research track. The track coordinator stimulates the cooperation and exchange of knowledge, data and methodoly between tracks and projects. He is responsible for the financial management and for the design of the yearly budget of his research track.
The following colleagues are coordinating the following research tracks:
- Track A1 : S.Proost
- Track A2 : C.Smolders
- Track A3 : A. Decoster
- Track A4: A. Decoster
Project promotors
The project promotor is a senior professor who guides a specific project within a research track. He is an expert within the projects field and is responsible for the management of the project.
The project promotors are:
- Project A1: Prof. dr. S. Proost
- Project A2a: Prof. dr. C. Smolders
- Project A2b: Prof. dr. B. Peeters
- Project A3a1: Prof. dr. C. Smolders
- Project A3a2: dr. I. Mayeres
- Project A3b1: Prof. dr. A. Decoster
- Project: A3b2: Prof. dr. C. Smolders
- Project A4: Prof. dr. A. Decoster
The project promotor offers scientific guidance to the project and it's scientific collaborator. The project promotors monitor the budget, draw up the yearly draft budget and report on the expenses and activities within their research project.
The administrative support of the Policy Research Center Fiscal policy is led by the coordinator. It offers logistical and adminstrative support to the PRCFP and tends to the general valorisations of the PRSFP. The administration prepares the yearly budget and report and takes care of the PRC's website.
The Policy Research Centers administrative contact is Vanessa Bombeeck. The administrations is located in:
University Ghent
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Department of Business Administration and Public Administration
Campus Mercator – room G4.04
Henleykaai 84
9000 Gent
Management agreement
In accordance with article 7.7 concerning active transparency in the PRCFP's management agreement you can find the management agreement and the multi annual programme of the PRCFP below:
Management agreement PRCFP 2012 - 2015
Multi annual programme PRCFP 2012 - 2015